Discover the Interreg Project
An 80km itinerary to follow the course of the two main tributaries of Lake Maggiore on two pedals:
Toce (in Italy) and Ticino (in Switzerland).

The project
The passion for mountain biking redesigns territories, woods and paths.
Modern Mountain Bikes and e-mountain bikes are radically changing the way people use natural environment and mountain trails. The number of “excursionist”-bikers is constantly growing, resulting in a significant increase of the “pressure” on the paths, both in terms of co-presence with the excursionists on foot and in terms of impact on the paths.
For this reason, the Lakes and Mountains Bike project was developed, the itinerary is made possible thanks to a cross-border connection financed by the European Interreg Italy-Switzerland program.

Cycling Tourism
Choosing cycle tourism is a beautiful step towards the environment.
The bicycle, in fact, is the ecological vehicle par excellence, and cycle tourism is a very simple form of sustainable tourism for the environment and for the territory.
In addition to being a simple and effective way to approach a sustainable holiday style, it’s also a good way to enjoy a sporting holiday in a simple way, dedicated to well-being and health.
And now pedal!